Welcome to Trinity! We’re excited to have you join us for a service. Here’s a bit of what you can expect and some helpful information to make your visit smooth and enjoyable.

7999540_6016x4016_500A Typical Service

Our services last about 75 minutes during which our worship team leads a contemporary worship service with music that focuses the praise on God and is often inspired by the text we will be studing during the message. Following the worship, you can expect solid biblical teaching which is usually expository - meaning it focuses on a single passage or book of the Bible - though every so often we will focus on what various passages of scripture have to teach us about a certain topic.

Untitled design-3When should I arrive?

We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes before the service starts. This will give you ample time to grab a cup of coffee and a cookie, catch up with friends, and pick up your sermon notes. We usually have some announcements at the beginning of the service, so arriving early ensures you won’t miss out on any important information!


Untitled design-5What about my kids?

We’ve got great programs for kids of all ages! Our Trinity Kids volunteers are dedicated to providing a fun and educational experience for your child. You can check your child in before or during the service. We also have coloring bags available for kids who like to keep their hands busy during the service. For more detailed information, please visit the Trinity Kids page on our website.


Untitled design-4What should I wear?

At Trinity, we want you to feel comfortable. Whether you prefer to dress up or keep it casual, you’ll fit right in. You’ll see people in everything from shorts and t-shirts to dresses and ties. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and ready to worship Jesus.


How do I get there?

We’re easy to find! Trinity is located on the corner of Perry Street (15 Mile Road) and 220th Ave, just west of U.S. Highway 131. If you’re coming via the highway, take exit 139. View a map.

We look forward to welcoming you to Trinity and hope you have a wonderful experience with us. If you have any questions before your visit, feel free to reach out to us. See you soon!