One of the Evangelical Free Church values is that the local church should be under the accountability of the local membership. As a congregational church, membership is vital because it empowers individuals to vote and hold office within our community. We believe that membership should be reserved for believers, so our elders carefully interview each candidate before they are voted on for inclusion by our congregation.

We also believe that members should be actively involved in the ministry of our church. Our annual recommitment form reflects this belief:

“I hereby publicly renew my commitment to the Lord God, to seek Him and serve Him with all my being. I also recommit myself to the body of believers at Trinity Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, to support them and our work together for the Lord by my prayers, attendance, contributions, and the faithful use of my God-given spiritual gifts. The Lord being my helper.”

Being part of a local church is a healthy and natural step for all believers. Our elders have written a paper entitled, “We Love the Church,” which outlines the biblical basis for being connected to a local body of believers. We encourage you to read it and reflect on what God’s Word says.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of Trinity Fellowship, we invite you to join our “Exploring Membership” class. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about our church and what membership entails. We look forward to welcoming you into our church family!