Daily Scripture & Questions
II Kings 18:1-8; II Chronicles 29-31; Psalm 48 The eight verses in II Kings is an introductory overview of Hezekiah. II Chronicles gives us more details of Hezekiah's reforms. How did God prepare the people? Did this great revival appear to happen suddenly (29:36)? Have you ever seen signs of revival in our midst?
Family Devotions—Scripture & Questions
Read II Kings 18:1-8 and Numbers 21:4-9. Why did Moses make the bronze serpent? After many years, how were the people in Hezekiah's time treating that bronze serpent? Do we ever treat good things in a bad way?
Biblical Prayer Focus
Psalm 113:2-3 Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!
Exalt the Lord and ask that His name be praised from east to west, thinking of specific countries He has laid upon your heart.