Daily Scripture & Questions

Genesis 32:1-34:31 How does Jacob's prayer in 33:9-12 reflect humility and dependence upon God?  Have you ever "wrestled" with God in prayer?  Have you made your parents' God your God (like Jacob)?

Family Devotions - Scripture & Questions

Read Genesis 32:22-32. Jacob's name was changed to Israel (he strives with God) because he kept wrestling with God in prayer. Do you have any nicknames?  If you could pick one for yourself, what would it be?  

Biblical Prayer Focus

Psalm 28:8-9 The LORD is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed.  Oh, save your people and bless your heritage!  Be their shepherd and carry them forever.

Thank Jesus for being the Good Shepherd.  Rejoice in being part of the people of God and that your heritage as one grafted into the family tree (Romans 11) goes all the way back to Abraham. Pray for the local manifestation of the people of God, the church. Ask the Good Shepherd, Jesus, to bless them with what they need to do His will.