Daily Scripture & Question:
Proverbs 13:1-15:33 Look for insights on dealing with conflict, especially in how we choose our words during those hot moments.  As you read 15:13-17, reflect on your current attitude toward your circumstances.

Family Devotions—Scripture & Questions:
Read Proverbs 14:12-18. What happens when we make decisions too fast? Do you have a quick temper? If so, how does that endanger you and others?  

Biblical Prayer Focus:
Luke 22:40-42 And when he came to the place, he said to them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Ask the Lord's help to not enter into temptation. Seek Him for the Spirit's empowerment to become faithful in prayer and to be willing to do His will, even when it is so very hard.